Event pictures
Note: this page is a work in progress -- some information subject to change
Date: November 14-18, 2011
Location: INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, France
Goal: A follow on to the wildly successful previous hackfests!
Requirements: Attendees must be willing to spend their time during the event with writing ctk code that contributes to the main ctk roadmap. People who do not feel qualified for this are politely not invited :)
Group size: Maximum 20 participants so we can have a manageable working meeting. The organizing committee will invite and select participants based on input from TheTeam.
Site Hosts: Benoit Bleuze
Future Events: Future hackfests will be announced in advance, and we hope lots of people will be interested in participating. The venue and activities at future hackfests will be determined based on the number of active participants in the project. We welcome participation via the CTK email lists, the source code repository, and this website.
- So far we have received confirmation for the following people (in no particular order). Please fill in your intentions in terms of common accommodation.
Name | Organization | Interested in grouped accommodation |
Jean-Chistophe Fillion-Robin | Kitware | Yes |
Julien Finet | Kitware | Yes |
Steve Pieper | Isomics | yes |
Ivo Wolf | Hochschule Mannheim | Yes |
Marco Nolden | DKFZ, Heidelberg | Yes |
Sascha Zelzer | DKFZ, Heidelberg | Yes |
Benoît Bleuzé | INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis | No |
- People who manifested interest in joining the fest. Please move your names up to the confirmed table, with the details as soon as you can to facilitate discussions with potential hotels.
Name | Organization |
Daniele Giunchi | SCS, Bologna |
Paolo Quadrani | SCS, Bologna |
There were also other invitations sent to active people on the community, and people who recently showed interest. When their intent will be known they will be added to the list.
Developers should bring a laptop with the current CTK source code downloaded and built.
Use the CTK developers mailing list to discuss build issues and topics for ongoing work.
Phone conferences have been scheduled in the weeks leading to the event:
- Tuesday 21st October 2011 18:00 (CET) - 12:00 (EST)
- Tuesday 8th November 2011 18:00 (CET) - 12:00 (EST)
Topics and Projects
Roadmap development
- Develop a roadmap for the CTK core. It is advised to begin pondering on this in the weeks leading to the hack-fest in order to dedicate as much time as possible to the real hacking during the week. The roadmap for the CTK core is a good place to start your thinking. It has been written by Ivo and Marco at the start of the CTK initiative.
- Steve
- Stephen
- Ivo
- Marco
- Ben
DICOM Application Hosting
Possible work items:
- Data Exchange Interface
- SOAP interoperability
- Conformance testing
- Benoit
- Michael
- Sascha
- Jc
DICOM Networking
Possible work items:
See CtkDICOM for possible goals.
- ?
- Michael
- Steve
- Marco
Tests Framework
Working towards a unified testing method throughout the whole code base.
- Julien (also linked but not limited to App hosting testing)
Build Systems & Software process
- Jc
Travel & Hotel
Local contact
- If you have any troubles during your visit, call Benoit : +33 4 92 38 71 55 (or if not available, +33 6 32 78 59 92, but it's my )
- Nice Airport: http://en.nice.aeroport.fr/
Lodging Prefer Antibes to any other locations, Sophia-Antipolis is very badly connected to places to sustain you at night, and the buses stop after 20:00/20:30
Meeting Location
- Inria Sophia Antipolis:
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93 06902 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Cedex - FRANCE
- Average min/max temperature in November in Sophia Antipolis:15-20 Celsius
Related Events/Activities
INRIA Imaging Workshop November 21-23: http://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/events/VPHimaging11/