Debian Packaging
Status of Debian Packaging in for CTK
Working configuration
This is a working subset (possibly not complete) of CTK that builds with Debian Unstable on 12/14/2012:
CTK_APP_ctkCommandLineModuleExplorer:BOOL=ON CTK_APP_ctkDICOM:BOOL=ON CTK_APP_ctkPluginBrowser:BOOL=ON CTK_APP_ctkPluginGenerator:BOOL=ON CTK_BUILD_QTDESIGNER_PLUGINS:BOOL=ON CTK_ENABLE_DICOM:BOOL=ON CTK_ENABLE_PluginFramework:BOOL=ON CTK_ENABLE_Widgets:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_CommandLineModules/Backend/FunctionPointer:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_CommandLineModules/Backend/LocalProcess:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_CommandLineModules/Core:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_CommandLineModules/Frontend/QtGui:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_CommandLineModules/Frontend/QtWebKit:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_Core:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_DICOM/Core:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_DICOM/Widgets:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_PluginFramework:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_Visualization/VTK/Core:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_Visualization/VTK/Widgets:BOOL=ON CTK_LIB_Widgets:BOOL=ON CTK_PLUGIN_org.commontk.log:BOOL=ON CTK_PLUGIN_org.commontk.plugingenerator.core:BOOL=ON CTK_PLUGIN_org.commontk.plugingenerator.ui:BOOL=ON
Dependencies with potential problems
CTK is using a recent snapshot in the superbuild, but Debian includes the latest stable release 3.6.0 . Since the Bologna Hackfest in December 2012 CTK builds (again) with DCMTK 3.6.0, using one backported class that is included conditionally (
Log4Qt is in general not used by CTK anymore. There is one plugin left using it but this is more of a technical study and can be turned of:
Several patches have been submitted to upstream, some are left, a summary can be found here. If this is resolved more features of CTK can be enabled for the Debian package.
CTK Visualization Core compiles with VTK 5.8, just missing one small functionality.
There is a debian package called libqtsolutions-soap-2.7-1, but there is no development package so it's unclear if this can be useful.