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ctkCheckableHeaderView CtkCheckableHeaderView.png A QHeaderView that support checkable sections. The checkState can be propagated to the model items.
ctkCollapsibleButton CtkCollapsibleWidget.png A container with a QPushButton on top that controls the visible state of the contents
ctkCollapsibleGroupBox CtkCollapsibleGroupBox.png A QGroupBox that collapses/expands when checked/unchecked
ctkColorPickerButton CtkColorPickerButton.png A QPushButton with a colorful icon, opening a color chooser dialog on click
ctkCoordinatesWidget CtkCoordinatesWidget.png A QDoubleSpinBox container that groups signals/slots of 3D vectors(i.e. X,Y,Z)
ctkDoubleRangeSlider CtkRangeSlider.png A ctkRangeSlider handling double values.
ctkDoubleSlider CtkDoubleSlider.png A slider handling doubles
CtkFittedTextBrowser.png CtkFittedTextBrowser2.png
A QTextBrowser that returns a dynamic vertical size hint depending of it's width.
ctkDirectoryButton CtkDirectoryButton.png A QPushButton that display a directory path and popups a QFileDialog on click. The selected directory is then displayed on the button and a signal emitted.
ctkMenuButton CtkMenuButton.png A QPushButton with a dedicated area that popups a QMenu
ctkRangeSlider CtkRangeSlider.png A QSlider with 2 handles to select 2 values.
ctkRangeWidget CtkRangeWidget.png A ctkDoubleRangeSlider with 2 linked spinboxes.
ctkSliderSpinBoxWidget CtkSliderSpinBoxWidget.png A pair of a ctkDoubleSlider and a QDoubleSpinBox bound together
ctkTitleComboBox CtkTitleComboBox.png A QComboBox with a persistent title
ctkTransferFunctionWidget CtkTransferFunctionWidget.png A widget that displays ctkTransferFunctions
ctkTreeComboBox CtkTreeComboBox.png A QComboBox that displays items in a tree view


ctkVTKMatrixWidget CtkVTKMatrixWidget.png A QTableWidget specially conceived for displaying/editing matrices


ctkDICOMModel CtkDICOMModel.png A QAbstractItemModel to represent DICOM files.