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Home < CtkDICOM
Showcase application showing the DICOM retrieve and browse functionality of different CTK components.
Basic functionality
- Provide a database managing Patient, Study and Series information
- Import local files
- Recursive traversal of directories
- Parsing of DICOMDIR files (WIP@DKFZ)
- Manage local database: delete files, re-index, (vacuum or other db admin as needed)
- Query and Retrieve data from PACS
- Search by different criteria
- Configure PACS settings
- Background listener that feeds into database
- Thumbnail preview of selected series
- Quick single slice view
- Zoom/pan
- Level window
- Search interface for local database (like Q/R search terms)
- Helper code for attaching new volume data into proper DICOM format and into database
- Store user code (send)
- Export from database to external directory (possibly with DICOMDIR)
- Import local files